I never received my first bill in the mail and the first time they contacted me via email was with an inflated electric bill and penalties. My electric bill was $90+ for not even a month’s worth of service. On top of that, I hadn’t moved in due to having to quarantine & a tropical storm hit last month causing power outages. So, I’m not sure how my usage was nearly 200 kw when I wasn’t even there. It’s a 1 bedroom apartment that I visit near the beach when I can, so it isn’t even my primary residence. Customer service was no help… they blamed it on Centerpoint. My apartment locator helped me estimate a bill of about $40 monthly. This bill was double that amount.
I didn’t know that there was going to be an extra $30 charge added to my bill, because I thought my service was going to be at a fixed rate. Very unsatisfactory